Eetu Koskelainen

Software Developer @futurice

Tinkerer who likes to code, design and create stuff. I also enjoy playing golf, singing and playing guitar.


River stream flow measurement

We had this opportunity to help Välkkyvä Vesijärvi ry to build IoT system that measures stream flow and water level of a designated river.

I built a portfolio website with blog

I built a portfolio website with React, Gatsby Chakra UI, Netlify CMS and Netlify.

DIY Electric Longboard

I made a electric longboard few years back when there were no cheap options on the market. Here is the result!

Designing protyping circuit board with EasyEDA

Designing prototyping circuit board with EasyEDA online tool.

Building person counter with Python, Raspberry Pi and camera module

Building person counter with Raspberry Pi, camera module and python.